The force field analysis is a common change management model; it can be used as a diagnostic tool as well as a strong decision-making tool during change planning. You may use it to identify – by graphically mapping – the driving and restraining forces for and against any initiative. You can then concentrate on leveraging the positive elements while minimizing the unfavorable ones to ensure the effective execution of the change plan. Kurt Lewin, a German-American psychologist and the father of modern psychology, created the force field analysis tool in 1951 as a change management model. The tool is now frequently used to influence business decisions.

Why this tool?

Force Field Analysis is widely used in the social sciences to examine the forces in favor of and against change. As a result, it serves as a benchmark for determining variables needed to achieve a goal or identify obstacles. A Force Field Analysis can assist you in two ways:

1. It can be used to determine whether or not to pursue change.

2. It can increase the odds of attaining desired goals by boosting the forces of change.

How to use this tool?

Step 1: Assess the current situation 

In this step, begin the session by discussing the issue in hand with relevant stakeholders. This may include determining where you are, the obstacles you are facing, the employees' reactions, and so on. It's also critical to define where you want to go with the initiative and the desired state you want to accomplish. At the same time, examine what will happen if you do nothing to improve the current status.

Step 2: Define the Change Objective

Consider the type of factors that are driving change. These might be both internal and external in the source. Internal drivers may include outdated equipment or a need to enhance profitability. The external factors might be: volatility and unpredictability in the operating environment, technologies that cause disruption or changing demographic trends.

Step 3: Identify the Driving Forces

The factors that are in favor of the proposed change or that promote the achievement of the specific goals are referred to as driving forces. These are regarded as beneficial and typically include variables such as growing technology, changing industry trends, increased competition, shareholders opinions, incentives, etc. Your role in this phase is to brainstorm as many driving forces as possible and record them in the appropriate field of the worksheet. You can turn to people outside the team (interview them) to get the information you need.

Step 4: Identify the Restraining Forces

These are the obstacles that will stand in the way of reaching your goal. They have a tendency to limit the influence of the driving forces. These may include, for example, individual fear, organizational structures, and negative employees’ attitudes. One thing to remember is not to be subjective when deciding which forces to include in the force field analysis and which ones to exclude. 

Step 5: Assign Scores

Next, assign a score to each force ranging from one (weak) to five (strong) based on the degree of effect it has on the strategy. Then, add the scores for each side (for and against). Draw arrows around each force to show the extent of its impact. Use larger arrows to represent factors that will have a greater impact on the change, and smaller arrows to represent forces that will have a smaller effect. You can use the template below to assign the score. Brainstorm your ideas and write down the driving and restraining forces.


Step 6: Analyze and Apply 

After completion, you may utilize your Force Field Analysis in two ways:

  • To determine whether or not to proceed with your choice or make a modification.
  • To consider which supporting factors you can enhance, which ones you can diminish, and how you might make the change more successful.

Case Study:

Ahmed owns a garments factory, where he is facing inefficiencies in production. Accordingly, he wants to upgrade his factory with new manufacturing equipment. However, he is unsure if this is the right decision to make. As a result, he chose to apply Force Field Analysis to evaluate the situation.

First, he defined the situation and listed the problems he currently faces. He noted that he has an issue with efficiency in production and would like to make the process smoother. Then, he defined his change objective, which is to increase the production capacity. After that, he used the template and listed the driving and restraining forces acting on his decision to purchase the equipment. 

Ahmed then analyzed his results and found that the analysis might recommend a number of alterations to the original design. For example:

  • He can train his employees to be less afraid of technology. This added to the cost. However, it reduced the staff fear from new technology.
  • He needs to demonstrate to his employees the importance of change in order for his company to survive. This new force backs up the adjustment.
  • He should demonstrate to employees how new machines will provide variety and interest to their occupations. This will contribute to the change.
  • He can raise the wages based on new productivity. This will raise the salaries. However, it will compensate for losing the overtime.
  • He must Install some different devices with pollution-removing filters. This will help reduce the "Impact on the environment" as a barrier to change.

These changes would swing the balance from 11:10 (against the plan) to 13:8 in favor of Ahmed's plan.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Tool:

One of the main advantages of Force Field Analysis is that it provides you with a visual summary of all the forces that impact your decision to make a change in your company. It also allows you to examine these forces in a qualitative manner. However, Force Field Analysis requires the involvement of the full team to get accurate information which may cause conflict due to the different opinions and the involvement of too many people in the decision-making process.

Click on the attachment below to download the force field analysis template.


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