
"Energy is crucial for managing economic and other human activities. It represents a strategic dimension in the achievement of economic security, both political and social, while the absence of inadequacy of energy services or their lack of access to all regions and all categories affect the evolution of certain economic, social and political indicators. Consequently, the concept of energy security and sustainability has emerged, which means providing energy in its various forms, at an affordable price, for all regions, social categories and economic activities, in quantities adapted to the local demand, with well-managed and reliable supplies. The supply reliability is an essential characteristic of energy systems: it assesses their ability to guard against operating incidents and is based on their dynamic reserves, characterized by the voltage plane and the frequency and whose characteristic times vary between a few milliseconds and a few hours. However, long-term prospective studies, focusing on the evolution of energy systems over several decades, do not make it possible to assess this supply reliability and the energy systems proposed over the prospective horizon may then no longer guarantee it. Otherwise, the massive integration of renewable energies could be done to the detriment of reliability, due to the complexity induced by the management of intermittency. Stimulated by the climate change issues and economic globalization, prospective modeling is being significantly reinvested after years of neglect. The links which it establishes between numerical/quantitative projection, mathematical economics, public economics and strategic thinking make it a valuable tool in the context of international climate negotiations. The renewed interest in this field is an opportunity to present the range of analyzes and prospective elements developed using the family of modeling and optimization models to build informed energy policies compatible with the climate challenge. and in line with a company's chosen direction. These prospective models are used by a variety of different research environments, the subject matter is multidisciplinary, and many modeling and optimization teams/groups are small. To be a skilled user of comprehensive energy system optimization models requires expertise in the system in question, operations research and economics, coupled with knowledge of the needs of decision makers. In the context of the energy transition and based on concrete examples, we will explore how these tools, which involve mathematical skills and applied economic, have become an essential aid for prospective reflection on policies to combat climate change and its impacts. In other words, we intend to understand the mechanisms underlying the ambitious contemporary energy policies at work in countries around the world. This conference aims to deal with all the questions of modeling questions of energy, climate and natural resources, in particular from the angle of forecasting on climate, energy and the environment."

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