Roadmapping is a powerful strategic planning technique that is integral to creating and delivering strategic plans. Its flexibility enables an application for a large variety of scopes: different types of organizations, sectors, a whole business, and a business unit or even for a product or process. This session will introduce you to the IfM’s fast-start roadmapping approach and guide you through a hands-on case study, showing how it can help your organisation to align digitalization, sustainability, R&D and commercial objectives, develop a strategy and identify its implementation pathway. You’ll learn about the graphic and collaborative nature of roadmapping and how this facilitates strategic alignment and dialogue between functions from across your organisation.

Meet the Experts

Diana Khripco | Cambridge University

How to join the session

Press "ENROLL" to register to the Main Agenda Workshop |  Developing your strategy using a fast start roadmapping approach. Make sure you see yourself as “enrolled” on the event page. 

Note: Please log in or create a new account so that you can enroll to the event.

التعليقات 7

Walid Alnabulsi
Walid Alnabulsi

هنالك خطا تنظيمي في الاعلان عن رقم القاعة، كانت تجري في قاعة اخرى و تم ارشادنا لها لاحقا، للاسف بعد مضي ما يقارب نصف ساعة

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